TGM® is proud of the processes we have honed over more than a quarter of a century.
We continue to improve our processes with a lessons-learned approach, which includes:
Planning Process: Your Regional Account Manager initiates your project-specific plan well before we arrive at your site. Only TGM® provides this unique customer support service, providing you with reliable and on-going contact throughout your outage and beyond. We also monitor your schedule to immediately identify the most efficient execution and any potential problems.
Execution Process: TGM® assures that your outage will go smoothly by using formal schedules and checklists. Our detailed Critical Path Method (CPM) schedule is updated daily with actual work accomplished, and adjusted accordingly. We will immediately know if any contingencies will impact the final completion date, and we will communicate that to you. Critical steps and inspections are double-checked using our Quality Checklists to prevent future problems. And all work is performed in conformance to our Job Safety Analyses, to protect our people and your equipment.
Review Process: After your unit is back online, we encourage you to grade our performance using a comprehensive Customer Satisfaction Survey covering each aspect of the job. The results of these surveys allow us to plan how we can serve you even better on the next outage. Our Foremen and Technical Directors evaluate the performance of each Mechanic, identifying areas for additional training and the potential for advancement. TGM® also monitors Critical Success Factors for improvement. These factors include Customer Satisfaction, Safety, Rework, New Customers, and Financial performance.
Reward Process: TGM® employees are compensated based on their Critical Success Factor performance on your outage. So your satisfaction is their ultimate concern. We also reward our Technical Directors if they submit your Final Report within one month of start-up.